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  • Writer's pictureArchana Gupta

Happiness 24/7


Welcome to a world of perpetual joy, where the pursuit of happiness is not bound by external factors. Despite facing a continuous stream of failures, disappointments, loss, separation, illness, and sorrow, the concept of being happy 24/7 challenges the conventional notions tied to health, success, love, and material possessions.

The quest for lasting happiness often leads us to accumulate material things, hoping they will bring fulfillment. However, this proves futile, as these possessions offer only short-term happiness, susceptible to change. Analogously, moderation emerges as a key to happiness, emphasizing that excess in any aspect of life is detrimental. Balancing acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, contentment, and surrender to a higher power becomes crucial. Creating space for positivity involves accepting life's situations and people's behavior, fostering a mindset that welcomes positive influences. Contentment, coupled with a shift in perspective, allows us to embrace the present moment.

Happiness is viewed as a matter of perspective, whether one sees the glass as half empty or half full. This perspective encourages contentment without hindering the pursuit of improvement. The advice is to set limits on desires, avoiding the perpetual chase for more, which only leads to worry and anxiety.

The cycle of desire, worry, and anxiety is illuminated, highlighting the burdens that come with accumulating excessive possessions. Surrendering the outcomes to a higher power alleviates worry, recognizing that life's plans may differ from our desires. Overthinking and comparison are identified as primary sources of unhappiness, while equanimity, cultivated through meditation and breathing exercises, is presented as the key to navigating success and failure with composure.

The narrative underscores the transience of life and possessions, urging a focus on the present and the cultivation of happiness with existing circumstances. Ultimately, happiness is portrayed as a choice achievable through meditation, contentment, positive thinking, staying present, and contributing to the well-being of others.


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